Estaimpuis 7730
Company number: BE472455626
Contact Patricia H.
Standard rate number
Patricia has been a professional photographer for 24 years, primarily working with private clients. After studying interior design, photography and ceramics, the photographer chose to dedicate herself to photography by creating her studio Patricia H.
Patricia offers her photography services for newborn and maternity shoots, weddings, and individual or family portraits, prioritising simplicity, authenticity and subtlety in her photography. The photographer leaves room for the imagination in her work, without revealing everything.
Patricia meets her clients’ expectations with her vision of photography, and artistic vision in general. The attentive photographer sees listening as an essential part of her work, to offer quality results to her clients.
The studio Patricia H helps its clients achieve their goals of capturing the most special moments in life through photos that will mark their milestones.
Contact Patricia today to make an appointment and bring your photos to life!