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Drones in Real Estate Photography


With the increasing popularity of drones in all types of photography, drones are also being used more and more frequently to help real estate agents and property developers make their properties shine. Read on to find out more about the advantages of this new tool that’s changing real estate photography, and how it can help you market your property or develop your building project.

An Efficient Way to Capture Striking Visuals

The use of drones in photographing real estate properties has taken what was once a complicated and drawn-out process and made it far more straightforward. A drone can be used to capture video footage from all angles of the property in a few minutes, as opposed to having to set up many different shots of the property’s exterior, including arranging lighting and setting up the scene to be as appealing as possible. This represents significant savings for you in terms of both time and money, and can also provide more attractive photos and videos than a traditional ground-based photographer might be able to provide. Given that potential purchasers checking out a listing spend 60% of their time looking at photos and videos (as opposed to just 20% on the description), this is an important factor in order to give them the best possible impression.

Drones: A Powerful Tool in Selling Real Estate 

What’s more, statistics have shown that real estate properties for sale with aerial drone shots featured in the listing sell 68% more quickly than those which do not. Footage shot from a drone always adds something of a wow-factor to the listing, which is naturally more attractive to potential clients. 73% of homeowners with a property to sell also prefer to work with an agency that offers drone video footage, as it gives them a better opportunity to sell their property. 

Shots taken from a drone make the property look more dynamic, offering a full, 360‑degree view of the property that allows potential purchasers to get a broader overall impression of the property they are considering buying. This can also potentially save you the difficulty of having to organise a visit, since the drone shots already give an overall view of the property’s exterior. This type of photography also lends itself to a more concise listing: as opposed to having an entire album of photos from a range of different positions, the listing can simply be accompanied by one video shot from a drone. Some drones can even fly indoors, if the property is sufficiently spacious on the interior. 

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Drones in Architecture Photography

Drone photography is also very useful for architects and other construction professionals. It provides the architect with a wider range of photos of the site, offering a more complete overview when planning out their designs. In days gone by, this would have required the architect to have access to a helicopter and a specialist camera crew, which clearly would have been prohibitively expensive. Drones offer architects the versatility to photograph all parts of their creations, as well as being able to offer the kinds of shots and angles that a traditional photographer would not be able to carry out. They have also become significantly quieter in recent years, meaning they will create less of a disturbance for those in the surrounding area. 

They take considerably less time to take photographs and videos as well, and since this equipment is electric, it generally takes less than a minute to prepare the craft to be used. A drone can also produce footage and images of extremely high quality, which is important for an architect since it allows them to have a more detailed idea of the type of site they are working with. In some cases, drones can even be fitted with specialised equipment which directly creates a 3D model of the site for the architect to work with. The drones can even be completely automatic, with a pre-programmed flight path and the capacity to avoid obstacles without human input.


Interested in how drones might help you sell your real estate property, or document your building project? Whether you’re a real estate agent, homeowner, architect or building professional, it’s important to find the right professional specialised in the service you’re looking for. Find licensed drone pilots and professional photographers at to capture drone footage and aerial shots that bring out the best in your property.

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